vb.net - When I insert a field into crystal report and that's the code the field does not appear in the report -

this code on print command , dataset connected database successfully

try             dim rpt new rptallergy2             dim myconnection sqlconnection             dim mycommand1 new sqlcommand()             dim myda1 new sqldataadapter()             dim myds new dataset             myconnection = new sqlconnection(cs)              mycommand1.connection = myconnection             mycommand1.commandtext = "select rtrim(patient.name) patient  "             mycommand1.commandtype = commandtype.text              myda1.selectcommand = mycommand1              myda1.fill(myds, "patient")              rpt.setdatasource(myds)             frmreport.crystalreportviewer1.reportsource = rpt             frmreport.showdialog()         catch ex exception             messagebox.show(ex.message, "error", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error)         end try 

mycommand1.commandtext = "select rtrim(patient.name) pname patient" 

then match pname field field on crystal reports jonathan willcock saying.


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