javascript - One-Page Scroll: Trying to redirect to home page and scroll to the div - Not Working? -

right, i've been @ while now. 1 page scroll works on home page (where div ids defined).

problem: blog page, if user clicks 'contact', want them redirected home page animated scroll #contact-view div.

attempt: i've tried check if user clicks a tag, check if there blog page using if statement, redirect them home page (and div) using
window.location.href = home +sectionid;

not working.

header.php (only nav bit..)

            <nav class="header-nav">               <!-- create navigation called primary in header (front-end) -->                  <?php $args = array('theme_location' => 'primary'); ?>                 <?php wp_nav_menu( $args) ?>           </nav> 

front-page.php (home)

<div  id="about-view" class="bg-1-wrapper"> #content </div> <div  id="contact-view"> #content </div> 


jquery(document).ready(function() {      // add click listener each <a> tags     setbindings();      // burger nav     jquery(".burger-nav").on("click", function() {         jquery(".header-nav").toggleclass("open");       });  });   function redirecttohome() {  }  /* 1 page navigation function */   function setbindings() {     jquery('a[href^="#"]').on('click', function(e) {       e.preventdefault();         var home = "http://localhost/wordpress/";         // href attribute, includes '#'       var sectionid = jquery(this).attr('href') + "-view";         // if you're on blog page, first redirect home -> div: #contact-view       if(document.url.indexof("http://localhost/wordpress/blog") >= 0){              window.location.href = home +sectionid;                console.log(location.href);          }          // animate scroll       jquery("html, body").animate({         // find target element         scrolltop: jquery(sectionid).offset().top       }, 1000)     });   } 

any ideas how fix problem?

two things can happen when updating value of window.location.href:

  • if new value located @ current page (by using anchor), jump point without reloading page
  • if new value not located @ current page, javascript execution stop , new page requested , loaded

the problem animate function not executing latter in case.

a solution request new page appended non-existent anchor (#contact-view-scroll, example). on new page, use javascript check particular anchor value in url , execute scroll functionality if necessary.

hope helps in understanding , solving problem.

update: added example code below

step 1: on blog page, update links refer home page prepending following content hashtag: #scroll:(such http://localhost/wordpress/home#contact-view becomes http://localhost/wordpress/home#scroll:contact-view)

step 2: add following code snippet home page. search #scroll: tag , activate animate function if present.

jquery(document).ready(function() {     // hash url     var hash = window.location.hash;     // if hash exists && starts "#scroll:"     if (hash.length , hash.indexof('#scroll:') === 0) {     // anchor name scrolling     var selectionid = hash.substr('#scroll:'.length);     // call jquery scroll function     jquery("html, body").animate({       scrolltop: jquery('#'+selectionid).offset().top     }, 1000);   } }); 

step 3: enjoy!

also, see demo.


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