php - PHPUnit times out running on empty cache -

i'm trying create build process using phing. during process want run composer install script , phpunit, installed composer

inside buildfile have 2 targets.

<target name="composer">     <composer command="install" composer="./composer.phar" />     <autoloader autoloaderpath="./vendor/autoload.php" /> </target> <target name="phpunit" depends="composer">     <if>         <os family="windows" />         <then>             <property name="phpunit.executable" value="phpunit.bat" />         </then>         <else>             <property name="phpunit.executable" value="phpunit" />         </else>     </if>     <exec executable="vendor/bin/${phpunit.executable}"       dir="${project.basedir}" level="debug"       returnproperty="phpunit.return">         <arg line="--configuration" />         <arg file="${project.basedir}/phpunit.xml" />     </exec> </target> 

the composer.phar , phpunit.xml in project base. if run phpunit target can see dependencies checked , installed if needed. phpunit returns

phpunit 5.7.21 sebastian bergmann , contributors.

and it. no tests run. seems configuration file never read.

if remove depends phpunit target , run then, tests completed , logs , coverage report created. i'm using exec instead of phpunit task because phings code coverage seems have trouble backslashes in namespaces.

this symfony project , calling

bin/console cache:warmup -e test 

fixes problem

though calling phpunit command line after composer install run tests.

is there anywhere in phing or phpunit can change timeout? max execution time php set 0.

how adjusting build.xml create task warm cache:

<target name="cache-warmup">     <exec command="bin/console cache:warmup -e test" /> </target>  

and have phpunit task depend on task:

<target name="phpunit" depends="composer cache-warmup">     ... </target>  


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