matlab - gpuDevice command takes looong time to complete -

i testing whether gpu coding works in matlab. found out everytime run gpudevice command after opening matlab first time, takes long time.

tic var = gpudevice() toc  >> gpu_test 

it takes @ least 100-seconds or more:

var =      cudadevice properties:                    name: 'geforce gtx 1060'                  index: 1      computecapability: '6.1'         supportsdouble: 1          driverversion: 8         toolkitversion: 7.5000     maxthreadsperblock: 1024       maxshmemperblock: 49152     maxthreadblocksize: [1024 1024 64]            maxgridsize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]              simdwidth: 32            totalmemory: 6.4425e+09        availablememory: 5.3035e+09    multiprocessorcount: 10           clockratekhz: 1670500            computemode: 'default'   gpuoverlapstransfers: 1 kernelexecutiontimeout: 1       canmaphostmemory: 1        devicesupported: 1         deviceselected: 1  elapsed time 108.818430 seconds. 

the thing after first time, same script takes 0.5~1ms run. run-time resets each time start matlab. sort of long runtime expected every time?

thanks, cn


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