Self made python class -

i defined 2 class in separated file (which name main program , trying include it. class definition follows:

class myclass:      tn=""      def _init_(self,tn):    

while main program follows

import myclass mc  obj=mc.myclass("hello") print( 

and when try launch following message appear: "name 'team_class 'is not defined". makes me think doesn't import class correctly don't seem understand reason.

at first, class' __init__() method wrong. don't know if copied here wrong, try this:

class myclass:      # __init__() magic method , needs 2 underscores, not 1      def __init__(self, tn=''):             # giving default value in __init__() method             # more straightforward way of doing              # more pythonic name variables in snake_case     = tn 

then in main file:

import myclass mc  obj = mc.myclass('hello') print(  # hello 

but can show team_class used in order resolve error?


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