Yii2 Kartik EditableColumn ajax post URL wont change -

this 1 of column gridview. url give me http://localhost/testing/apps/web/op/details/listing/particular

the url wanted


i tried

'formoptions' => [ 'action' => ['/listing/particular'] ],

'formoptions' => [ 'action' => ['../listing/particular'] ],

'formoptions' => [ 'action' => ['apps/modules/op/controllers/listing/particular'] ],

the problem no matter how modified url, keep append whatever typed behind http://localhost/testing/apps/web/(what type) there anyway remove web thing?

[         'class'=>'\kartik\grid\editablecolumn',         'attribute'=>'particular',        'editableoptions' =>         [             'inputtype' => editable::input_text,             'formoptions' => [ 'action' => ['listing/particular'] ],             'options' => [              ]         ]     ], 

have tried using yii\helpers\url ?

use yii\helpers\url; url::toroute(['listing/particular']) 


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