postgresql - Column not found when seeding database with structs with has_many relationship -

i first tried seeding database simple 1 level deep structs , works great. however, when add in path mapping match top level structs paths field error.

 ** (postgrex.error) error 42703 (undefined_column): column "apis_id" of relation "paths" not exist 

i've tried removing apis_id believe need field preload path struct in apicontroller. perhaps problem lies in has_many/belongs_to syntax although believe have correct , i've tried swamping out other foreign_keys , references no luck.

i missing stupid , need fresh eyes, i'm hoping understanding of relationship possibly messed up.

here migrations:


defmodule app.repo.migrations.createapi   use ecto.migration    def change     create table(:apis)       add :basepath, :string       add :definitions, :string       add :paths, references(:paths)        timestamps()     end   end end 


defmodule app.repo.migrations.createpath   use ecto.migration    def change     create table(:paths)       add :apis_id, :string       add :route, :string        timestamps()     end   end end 

my models: api.ex

defmodule app.api   use app.web, :model    schema "apis"     field :basepath, :string     field :definitions, :string     has_many :paths, app.path, foreign_key: :apis_id      timestamps()   end end 


defmodule app.path   use app.web, :model    schema "paths"     belongs_to :apis, app.api, references: :apis_id     field :route, :string      timestamps()   end end 

also here apicontroller api_controller.ex

defmodule app.apicontroller   use app.web, :controller    alias app.api    def index(conn, _params)     apis = repo.all(api) |> repo.preload([:paths])     render conn, "index.json", apis: apis   end end 

and seeds.ex

alias app.repo alias app.path alias app.api  api = %api{   basepath: "v1",   definitions: "none",   paths: [     %path{       apis_id: 1,       route: "/account"     }   ] }  repo.insert! api 

this works if rip out %path mapping , make empty string.

any of steering in correct direction appreciated!

thank in advance.

you shouldn't put reference paths database. relation one-to-many 1 sided - need api_id inside path schema, don't need other way around.

however ecto able map paths field inside api struct. don't need field paths inside _create_api migration.

so believe correct file contents should be:


defmodule app.repo.migrations.createapi   use ecto.migration    def change     create table(:apis)       add :basepath, :string       add :definitions, :string        timestamps()     end   end end 


defmodule app.repo.migrations.createpath   use ecto.migration    def change     create table(:paths)       add :api_id, references(:apis)       add :route, :string        timestamps()     end   end end 


defmodule app.api   use app.web, :model    schema "apis"     field :basepath, :string     field :definitions, :string     has_many :paths, app.path      timestamps()   end end 


defmodule app.path   use app.web, :model    schema "paths"     belongs_to :api, app.api     field :route, :string      timestamps()   end end 

please note removed references , foreign_key models. changed name of field apis_id api_id match standard naming.

edit: added seeds.exs

alias app.repo alias app.path alias app.api  api = repo.insert! %api{       basepath: "v1",       definitions: "none"     }  path = repo.insert! %path{       api_id:,       route: "/account"     } 

but advise use changesets.


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