Amazon RDS: Should I Stop or Terminate? -

i have rds instance don't use lot, don't want delete them might need them in future. now, if stop instances, aws automatically starts them after 7 days.

so using aws cli , setting cron job automatically stop them after 7 days.

aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier my-db-instance1 

the same way other instances.

0 0 * * 7 /etc/cron.daily/ 

i don't believe best practice. can me understand how create config file has instance id's script reads , populates instance id's?

thanking in advance.

if use database , don't want starting again after 7 days, should create snapshot of instance , terminate it.

the instance not auto-start. need restore snapshot new database instance when wish use it, can done command-line.


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