listview - Android: Removing a List Item on CheckBox-Click checks next Item -

i have weird behavior. have to-do-list-like function remove listview item when checkbox clicked. however, causes next checkbox checked instantly. idea?

@override public void oncheckboxclick(int position) {      mtasklist.remove(position);     adapter.notifydatasetchanged();  } 

it click gets carried on next item, because item removed fast.


this customadapters getview() method. rpg themed task list.

 @nonnull @override public view getview(final int position, @nullable view convertview, @nonnull viewgroup parent) {     view taskitemview = convertview;     if (taskitemview == null) {         taskitemview = layoutinflater.from(getcontext()).inflate(r.layout.task_item, parent, false);     }      taskitem currenttaskitem = getitem(position);      //set item texts accordingly     textview taskname = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     taskname.settext(currenttaskitem.getname());     textview difficultytext = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     difficultytext.settext(currenttaskitem.getdifficultytext());     textview expgaintext = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     expgaintext.settext("" + currenttaskitem.getexpamountgained() + " exp");     textview goldgaintext = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     goldgaintext.settext("" + currenttaskitem.getgoldamountgained());     checkbox checkbox = (checkbox) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     checkbox.setchecked(false);     //set checkbox listener      checkbox.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view view) {             mlistener.oncheckboxclick(position);         }     });      return taskitemview;  } 

there few things need change.

  1. always use recycled view pattern listviews. faster , lot more memory efficient

add view holder class task:

class taskviewholder {     textview taskname;     textview difficultytext;      taskviewholder(view root)     {         taskname = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;         difficultytext = (textview) taskitemview.findviewbyid(;     } } 

then change getview() this:

taskviewholder holder;     if(convertview == null)     {         convertview = layoutinflater.from(getcontext()).inflate(r.layout.task_item, parent, false);         holder = new taskviewholder(convertview);         convertview.settag(holder);     }     else         holder = (taskviewholder)convertview.gettag();      taskitem currenttaskitem = getitem(position);      holder.taskname.settext(currenttaskitem.getdifficultytext());     holder.difficultytext.settext(currenttaskitem.getdifficultytext()); return convertview; 

i have included 2 of views idea.

  1. when set oncheckchanged listener set this:

    holder.checkbox.settag(position); holder.setonclicklistener(this);

then inside onclick(view v) callback this:

//check if correct view int position = (int)v.gettag(); taskitem t = getitem(position); //do here 

again, haven't included views in holder, should add them. should fix issue.


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