java - Float not working with switch -

i have problem code, i'm trying make script spawn different every time click mouse, error switch because use random choose different number each time. error every time try run script , can't find error.

    cannot switch on value of type float. convertible int values, strings or enum variables permitted 

some of tags , names of variables in danish i'm danish.

int posx = 100; int posx2 = 1820; int dirx = 1; int dirx2 = 1; boolean drawforest = true; int height = 1080; int width = 1920; //img = loadimage("bluemorpho.png"); pimage img; int storrelse = 15; int storrelse2 = storrelse + 2; float skift = random(0,2);  //setup()-metoden køres én gang, når sketchen startes void drawbackground() {   color e = color(135, 206, 235);   fill(e);   rect(960, 270, 1920, 560); } void setup() {   size(1920, 1080);    rectmode(center);   drawbackground();   color f = color(1, 142, 14);   fill(f);   rect(960, 820, 1920, 540);   //noloop(); }   //draw()-metoden kører et loop, indtil den stoppes void draw() {   switch(skift)   {   case 0:     img = loadimage("bluemorpho.png");     break;   case 1:     img = loadimage("bluemorpho2.png");     break;   default:     img = loadimage("bluemorpho3.png");     break;   }      if (drawforest)   {     drawforest();      drawforest = false;   }   drawbackground();   drawcloud();   drawcloud2();   posx = posx+1;   posx2 = posx2-1;   if (posx>width-20 || posx<20)   {     dirx=-dirx;   }   if (posx2>width-20 || posx<20)   {     dirx2=-dirx2;   } }   void drawforest() {   (int = 0; < 12; i++)   {     drawtree(random(55, 1865), 635 + 30*i);   } }  void drawtree(float xx, float yy) {   color c = color(139, 69, 19);   fill(c);   //nostroke();   rect(xx, yy+30, 50, 100);   color d = color(000, random(25, 100), 000);   fill(d);   //nostroke();   ellipse(xx, yy-30, 125, 100);   color g = color(100, 0, 0);   fill(g);   ellipse(random(xx-50, xx+50), random(yy-50, yy+18), 10, 10); }  void drawcloud() {   color h = color(255, 255, 255);   fill(h);   ellipse(posx, 150, 100, 50);   //posx += random(50,1920);   nostroke(); } void drawcloud2() {   color h = color(0, 0, 0);   fill(h);   ellipse(posx2, 200, 100, 50);   //posx += random(50,1920); }  void tegnsommerfugl(float xx, float yy) {   image(img, xx, yy, width/storrelse2, height/storrelse); }  void mouseclicked() {   tegnsommerfugl(mousex,mousey); } 

as comments suggest: expected behavior. can't switch on variable of type float.

the answer is: bad idea anyway. keep in mind floating point numbers "inaccurate" design (see here example). whereas switch has notion of exactly matching n different cases. technically not possible floating point numbers.

in sense: step back, , change type of variable int example. should int skift - not float.

and ask: "but how random int number?" - see here.


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