docusignapi - Disable In-Person Signer email notification to the host -

i'd know if it's possible disable email notification host when using in-person signing. ( sent document host in-person signing session.)


1 - envelope created using api containing 3 recipients: 1 in-person captive signer , 2 remote signers.

2 - host receives email notification.

in-person sign email notification


`{    "status":"sent",    "emailsubject":"contract",    "compositetemplates":[       {          "servertemplates":[             {                "sequence":"1",                "templateid":"<templateid>"             }          ],          "inlinetemplates":[             {                "sequence":"1",                "recipients":{                   "inpersonsigners":[                      {                         "hostemail":"",                         "hostname":"john doe",                         "signername":"ringo starr",                         "signeremail":"",                         "rolename":"signer 1",                         "recipientid":"1",                         "clientuserid":"1000",                         "routingorder":"1",                         "embeddedrecipientstarturl":"sign_at_docusign",                         "recipientsignatureproviders":[                            {                               "signatureprovidername":"universalsignaturepen_opentrust_hash_tsp",                               "signatureprovideroptions":{                                  "sms":"<phonenumber>"                               }                            }                          ]                   ],                   "signers":[                      {                         "name":"john doe",                         "email":"",                         "emailnotification":{                            "emailsubject":"contract live in person signature attached.",                            "emailbody":"contract live in person signature attached.",                            "supportedlanguage":"en"                         },                         "rolename":"signer 2",                         "routingorder":"2",                         "recipientid":"2",                         "recipientsignatureproviders":[                            {                               "signatureprovidername":"universalsignaturepen_opentrust_hash_tsp",                               "signatureprovideroptions":{                                  "sms":"<phonenumber>"                               }                            }                         ]                      },                      {                         "name":"paul mccartney",                         "email":"",                         "emailnotification":{                            "emailsubject":"contract live in person signature attached.",                            "emailbody":"contract live in person signature attached.",                            "supportedlanguage":"en"                         },                         "rolename":"signer 3",                         "routingorder":"2",                         "recipientid":"3",                         "recipientsignatureproviders":[                            {                               "signatureprovidername":"universalsignaturepen_opentrust_hash_tsp",                               "signatureprovideroptions":{                                  "sms":"<phonenumber>"                               }                            }                         ]                      }                   ]                },                "customfields":{                   "textcustomfields":[                      {                         "value":"<salesforcecontractid>",                         "required":"false",                         "show":"false",                         "name":"##sfcontract"                      }                   ]                }             }          ]       }    ],    "eventnotification":{       "recipientevents":[          {             "recipienteventstatuscode":"completed"          },          {             "recipienteventstatuscode":"sent"          },          {             "recipienteventstatuscode":"delivered"          },          {             "recipienteventstatuscode":"declined"          }       ],       "envelopeevents":[          {             "envelopeeventstatuscode":"delivered"          },          {             "envelopeeventstatuscode":"completed"          },          {             "envelopeeventstatuscode":"sent"          },          {             "envelopeeventstatuscode":"declined"          }       ]    } }` 

as i'm using url can accessed application email notification host unnecessary.

considerations keep in mind:

  1. none of recipients neither host docusign user;
  2. the option "suppress emails embedded signers" under signing settings checked;
  3. the host not recipient.


remove "embeddedrecipientstarturl":"sign_at_docusign" inperson recipient definition.

specifying embeddedrecipientstarturl causes recipient receive official docusign email inviting them sign documents. see answer more information.

from official documentation

embeddedrecipientstarturl sender provided valid url string redirecting embedded recipient. when using option, embedded recipient still receives email docusign, remote recipient would, when document link in email clicked recipient redirected, through docusign, url complete actions. when routing url, sender's system (the server responding url) request recipient token launch signing session.


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