osx - How do you load a class (.cls file) in VBA in Word 2016 for Mac? -

i working on task in word's vb editor — that's word 2016 mac — that needed associative arrays, , found references "scripting.dictionary", , figured out comes library not installed office 2016 mac.

i found this question pointing third party library after lengthy search. 2+ hours more searching, , still can't figure out how load word. found this reference sandboxing, it's talking .dylib files , i've got .cls — seems mismatch. there oodles of references loading libraries in excel, nothing i've found regarding word has worked.

so, if have .cls file containing source code library such 1 i've linked, how bring word?

  • open vb editor in word
  • right-click on vbproject you're working on (or select , choose import file vb editor file menu)
  • select import file...
  • browse cls file, select , click open button


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