Closing modal jQuery dialogs out of order causes error in IE -

as part of dropping support older browsers, updated app jquery 3.1.1 , jquery ui 1.12.1. after this, noticed getting errors logged console in ie 11.

the error follows:

script5007: unable property '_focustabbable' of undefined or null reference  jquery-ui.js, line 12794 character 7 

i able track problem fact long-running calls (e.g. database query may take 2-3 seconds) open 'please wait' modal dialog. dialog closed after content dialog opened , populated. when content dialog closed, above error occurs.

i able condense issue following jsfiddle:

what need able have wait dialog open until after content dialog opened , populated? closing wait dialog first solves problem, isn't sufficient content dialog can take long time populate, due large numbers of <option> elements being loaded dom after database query completes.

if ok destroying modals when close them can use this:

$('#wait-dialog').dialog({         autoopen: false,         height: 88,         width: 250,         modal: true,         title: 'please wait',         close: function (event, ui) {             $(this).dialog('destroy');         },         open: function () { }     });  $('#content-dialog').dialog({         autoopen: false,         height: 188,         width: 350,         modal: true,         title: 'i content',         close: function (event, ui) {             $(this).dialog('destroy');         },         open: function () { }     }); 

here fix jsfiddle:


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