Spring Webflow Location Patterns -

i attempting better understand spring webflow's location patterns.

i want able separate views , flows own workflow folders. workflow folders contain multiple flows (most in form of sub-flows).

here default (for project) configuration location pattern:

<webflow:flow-registry id="flowregistry" flow-builder-services="flowbuilderservices" base-path="/web-inf/jsp">     <webflow:flow-location-pattern value="**/*-flow.xml"/> </webflow:flow-registry> 

i trying understand "/**" means in pattern...

using pattern, see file in "/web-inf/jsp" ending "-flow.xml" mapped. however, flows defined in sub-directories ignored. want fix.

i not want have provide location pattern every sub-directory generated under /web-inf/jsp. want pattern @ root (base-path) , inside children.

any appreciated.

here screen capture of basic project i'm using figure out: image of basic project configuration

you need start pattern /**:

<webflow:flow-registry id="flowregistry" flow-builder-services="flowbuilderservices" base-path="/web-inf/jsp">     <webflow:flow-location-pattern value="/**/*-flow.xml"/> </webflow:flow-registry> 


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