formatting - Printing list in R -

suppose have list of lists in r.

>shelves1 <- list(row1.1="full box", row1.2="3 books", row1.3="2 lemons") >shelves2 <- list(row2.1="cartridges", row2.2="paper stacks") >all.shelves <- list(shelves1, shelves2) 

when tried printing list of lists


it shows information in format:

[[1]] [[1]]$row1.1 [1] "full box"  [[1]]$row1.2 [1] "3 books"  [[1]]$row1.3 [1] "2 lemons"   [[2]] [[2]]$row2.1 [1] "cartridges"  [[2]]$row2.2 [1] "paper stacks" 

i know easy question but, i'm getting started using r, question is: there way, instead of printing [[1]] , [[2]] on every change of list in list, show name of list instead? (without using sprintf() function)


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