c++ - Passing const reference leads to paradox in code..? -

ok have function within class named vector_ref

class vector_ref {     public:        int* data() const { return m_data }        void retarget(std::vector<int> const& _t)         { m_data = _t.data();           m_count = _t.size() }     private:        int* m_data;        size_t m_count; } 

i trying retarget vector_ref object existing vector object named v populated ints , call data().

vector_ref<int> tmp; tmp.retarget(const_cast<std::vector<int> const&>(v)); tmp.data(); // error here 

the pass retarget compiles, calling data() yields error:

invalid conversion const int* int* { m_data = v.data() ... } 

this makes sense me, member variable m_data isn't const, given class definition how can ever retarget existing vector. if have pass const reference retarget(), sets non-const member variable m_data, how can ever hope compile code retargets vector_ref instance ?

just declare m_data as

const int* m_data; 

this doesn't mean m_data const. means cannot modify int m_data points to. can still this:

m_data = _t.data(); 

but can't this:

*m_data = x; m_data[5] = y; // or 

by way, there's no need const_cast. need const_cast if removing const qualifier (i.e. passing const object function expects non-const reference). don't need in order pass non-const object function accepts const reference.


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