java - How to stop date changing at 00:00 o'clock? -

i'm working on hotel management application [desktop] , noticed, date changing time hotels system not 00:00 , it's between 1am , 6am reservations , room status etc. should stay until audit time.when user make audit new day start.

that's why need create method stop date change @ midnight , return new date when audit button clicked. briefly have create central system date.

as result; when use date in classes every methods work synchronously[blockade, reservations, check in, check out etc.] couldn't find way this.

i'm thinking around code :

package com.coder.hms.utils;  import java.text.simpledateformat; import java.time.localdate; import java.util.calendar; import; import java.util.timer; import java.util.timertask;   public class customdatefactory {      private date date;     private calendar calendar;     private simpledateformat sdf;      public customdatefactory() {          //for formatting date desired         sdf = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd");     }      public void setvaliddateuntilaudit(int counter) {          final timer timer = new timer();         final timertask task = new timertask() {              @override             public void run() {                 //get hour , minute calendar                 calendar = calendar.getinstance();                 int hour = calendar.get(calendar.hour);                 int min = calendar.get(calendar.minute);                 int sec = calendar.get(calendar.second);                  //check if field value equals -1                 if (counter == -1) {                     //and time @ 00:00                     if (hour == 0 && min == 0 && sec == 2) {                         //bring date 1 day                         calendar.add(, counter);                         date = calendar.gettime();                     }                 } else {                     date = new date();                 }              }         };         timer.schedule(task, 0, 100);     }      public date getdate() {         final string today = sdf.format(date);         final localdate ld = localdate.parse(today);         date =;         return date;     } } 

after comments , helps changed code :

public class datefactorytest {      private localdate currentdate;     private localdatetime localdatetime;      public datefactorytest() {         currentdate =;         localdatetime =;     }      private void setthedate(boolean isauditted) {          if (localdatetime.gethour() <= 6 && isauditted == false) {              currentdate.minusdays(1);          } else if (localdatetime.gethour() > 6 && isauditted == true) {              imageicon icon = new imageicon(getclass().getresource("/com/coder/hms/icons/dialogpane_question.png"));              int choosedval = joptionpane.showoptiondialog(null, "you're doing audit, sure this?",                     "approving question", 0, joptionpane.yes_no_option, icon, null, null);              if (choosedval == joptionpane.yes_option) {                 isauditted = false;             }          }      }      private localdate getdate() {         return currentdate;     }  } 

all answers, different ideas acceptable.

avoid troublesome old date-time classes such supplanted java.time classes. among obsolete classes – may have use if jdbc driver not yet updated jdbc 4.2 , later, if so, minimize use , not use these objects in business logic.

as other people commented, do not hack meaning of date. if “hotel day” runs 6 6 am, create class represent that. define member official date, of type localdate. define members start , stop, of type localdatetime, stop plusdays( 1 ).

define pair of getter methods each taking zoneid argument, , returning zoneddatetime, each true exact moment when hotel-day starts , stops. localdatetime not actual moment, , has no meaning until specify time zone. anomalies such daylight saving time (dst) mean 6 start or stop time might 5 or 7 or 6:15 on particular date.

public startatzone( zoneid z ) {     zoneddatetime zdt = this.startlocaldatetime.atzone( z ) ;     return zdt ;  } 

calculate span of time duration. call to… methods total number of seconds, milliseconds, or nanoseconds.

duration d = duration.between( z ) , myhotelday.stopatzone( z ) ) ; 

note best approach defining spans of time half-open approach beginning inclusive , ending exclusive. means hotel-day starting @ 6 runs to, not include, following 6 am. that means 6 6 am, no bothering determine 05:59:59.999 or 05:59:59.999999 or 05:59:59.999999999. search >= && < logic, , not use sql between.

by way, timer legacy now. read executors framework, , search stack overflow.

by way, format used, yyyy-mm-dd, defined iso 8601 standard. java.time classes use standard formats default when parsing/generating strings.


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