jquery - Disable all the <select> items in JavaScript -

i have few <select>s items in jsp file, want disable <select>s items.

this jsp file:

<select id="combosupergrupos1" name="combossupg">     <option value="0">n...</option>     <!-- x options --> </select>  <select id="combosupergrupos2" name="combossupg">     <option value="0">n...</option>     <!-- x options --> </select> 

this i'm trying:

var combossupergrupo = document.getelementsbyname("combossupg"); combossupergrupo.disabled = true; 

but can't achieve goal. i'm thinking jquery, don't know if can mix javascript jquery.

any question post on comments.

jquery :


javascript :

var selects = document.queryselectorall("select[name='combossupg']"); selects.foreach(function(s){     s.disabled = true; }); 


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