php - Find Duplicate in many to many relation -

i have mysql database table maps many many relation. database table contains 2 columns, foreign keys other tables. database table exists assigning foreign key table foreign key table b.

the structure of table

column 1: conditionid (int11) (foreign key) column 2: packageid (int11) (foreign key)

create table `many_to_many_table` (     `conditionid` int(11) not null,     `packageid` int(11) not null ) engine=innodb default charset=latin1;  alter table `many_to_many_table` add key `conditionid` (`conditionid`,`packageid`); 

i want find out, if combination in table exists. example user has conditions ids 1, 2 , 3. these ids package id 1 exists. entries 1 | 1, 1 | 2 , 1 | 3.

sample data

insert `many_to_many_table` (`conditionid`, `packageid`) values (1, 195), (2, 195), (3, 195), (4, 197), (5, 197), (5, 209), (6, 198), (6, 211), (6, 219), (6, 220); 

with sample data query should return packageid 195.

i tried following:

select     packageid,     conditionid,     (         select              count(*)                     many_to_many_table                      conditionid in (1,2,3)     ) rowcount     many_to_many_table group     packageid having     conditionid in (1,2,3) ,     rowcount = 3 

this worked fine in first moment. selects entries have conditionid 1 or conditionid 2 , different packageid. query not exact enough duplicates.

is possible 1 query?

if understand correctly want:

select packageid    many_to_many_table conditionid in (1,2,3) group    packageid having sum(conditionid = 1) > 0   , sum(conditionid = 2) > 0   , sum(conditionid = 3) > 0; 



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