c# - Visual Studio 2017, cannot debug or run the application -

after turned on computer today, haven't been able debug or run application @ all. if publish project, works fine. if run visual studio, it's stuck loading , visual studio stops responding.

here errors when force quit application:

exception thrown: 'system.unauthorizedaccessexception' in mscorlib.dll
exception thrown: 'system.globalization.culturenotfoundexception' in mscorlib.dll
exception thrown: 'system.security.securityexception' in mscorlib.dll
program '[6276] chrome.exe: webkit' has exited code -1 (0xffffffff).
program '[8852] iisexpress.exe' has exited code -1 (0xffffffff).

have ever experinced similar? i've been trying answers haven't been able locate any. tried on diffrent machine, , cannot debug application there either.

have tried updating , reinstalling packages using nuget.

best regards solan.

we had same problem after chrome update yesterday. if switch off javascript debugging in options:

options -> debugging -> enable javascript debugging in asp.net

then runs fine.


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