python - Can't create a working elasticsearch-py instance -

i've got amazon elasticsearch service running , can connect fine using curl/postman, when try create elasticsearch-py instance ide hangs indefinitely.

endpoints = ['',              '',              '']  endpoint in endpoints:     try:         es = elasticsearch(endpoint)         print es.count('analytics_v4')     except exception, e:         print e         print endpoint + " didn't work" 

this current test set up, ide (pycharm) stops @ point , need end run able try again, i've tried each endpoint individually , none of them work.

my access policy :

{   "version": "2012-10-17",   "statement": [     {       "effect": "allow",       "principal": {         "aws": "*"       },       "action": "es:*",       "resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:myiddomain/analytics/*",       "condition": {         "ipaddress": {           "aws:sourceip": [             "myip"           ]         }       }     }   ] } 

i'm getting error :433 of : connectionerror(httpconnectionpool(host='', port=443): max retries exceeded url: /analytics_v4/_count (caused <class 'httplib.badstatusline'>: '')) caused by: maxretryerror(httpconnectionpool(host='', port=443): max retries exceeded url: /analytics_v4/_count (caused <class 'httplib.badstatusline'>: ''))


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