configuration - Is calling CMake the equivalent of ./configure step? -

i understand compile , install source, in unix system, 3 steps involved are:

1) ./configure

2) make

3) make install

when checked installation of opencv source, noticed had no ./configure step, had cmake step. gave me idea cmake equivalent of ./configure. read cmake can generate build systems such makefiles, ./configure step does.

however, article (see first paragraph of what difference?) says cmake performs actual build well. if case, why opencv installation instruct make after cmake? also, see cmake compared make, not ./configure. so, cmake fit in?

yes, cmake configure step of autotools. not perform build itself, generates necessary files building (makefiles, visual studio projects, etc.).

cmake has --build option, option invokes underlying build system, can't use cmake standalone build tool. different plain makefiles, because can write them manually , make them.


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