javascript - How to setup processingjs library on html? -

i realise exact same question has been asked however, answers did not work me: how setup processingjs on html?

i pasted suggested still no result. processingjs website ( gives following advice:

<script src="processing-1.3.6.min.js"></script> <canvas data-processing-sources="hello-web.pde"></canvas> 

but not clear how use them newbie me. place them both in html file or 1 in linked .js file?

the purpose of trying learn doing on khan academy processingjs course.

many thanks,

please more specific you're seeing. mean "still no result"? need check the javascript console errors.

my guess you're getting error saying can't find processing.js or can'd find .pde file. these files have located @ path define. code in answer linked assumes they're right next .html file, that's not case. please note code in answer example, , should not copied directly. have understand each line doing , in own code.

i've written tutorial on deploying processing code using processing.js available here.


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