sapui5 - Filtering a binding: Property <query> not found in type <Entity> -

the error right, there no property named because that's search query. don't see what's going on, i've implemented filters search queries before. error occurs before call made odata service.

onsearchqualification: function(evt){      // create model filter     var filters = [];     var query = evt.getparameter("query");     if (query && query.length > 0) {         var filter = new sap.ui.model.filter("title", sap.ui.model.filteroperator.contains, query);         filters.push(filter);     }      // update list binding     var list = evt.osource.getparent().getparent(); //this.getview().byid("qualificationselectionlist");     var binding = list.getbinding("items");     binding.filter(filters);      //this._olist.getbinding("items").filter(afilters, "application"); }, 

what now?

the <items> aggregation <list> element missing.


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