Unable to run selenium with python using unittest -

using below configuration :

macos sierra 10.12.4, python version 2.7, selenium version 3.5

i'm trying write script in pycharm selenium webdriver , unittest modules. goal go site find element(button) , click on button. tried using firefox driver , chrome driver. tried run without ide no luck. been searching on can't work.

here code:

import unittest selenium import webdriver selenium.webdriver.common.keys import keys   class homeworkteam(unittest.testcase):       def setup(self):         self.driver = webdriver.chrome(executable_path=r'/users/<user>/homework/chromedriver')       def test_team_search(self):         driver = self.driver         driver.get("http://www.python.org/index.html")         teamelem = driver.find_element_by_id("submit")         teamelem.send_keys(keys.enter)         assert "no results found" not in driver.page_source       def teardown(self):         self.driver.quit()      if __name__ == '__main__':         unittest.main() 

when run this output browsers not launched.

ran 0 tests in 0.000s


process finished exit code 0

i assume ran using below

python -m unittest 

if file test myunit need use below run

$ python -m unittest -v myunit  test_team_search (myunit.homeworkteam) ... ok  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ran 1 test in 6.455s  ok 

ps: refer https://docs.python.org/devguide/runtests.html more details


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