java - Get the count of nearby android cellular devices using cellular signals -

is somehow possible in android count of nearby devices in active state(i.e. connected cellular network)? mean cellular device powered on , installed working sim.

the reason why ask because whatever answers have found far suggest making use of bluetooth, wifi, nearby or other custom app. intention devices actively connected cellular network. each time see device emitting/receiving cellular signals counter gets incremented.

i tried looking android api not find provides functionality. neighboringcellinfo gives information device(and network) on app installed. , closest get.

i thinking if can information nearby cellular carriers getting information nearby cellular device should possible. end of day it's catching radio waves coming out of something.

thank valuable time. appreciate help!

p.s. : i'm not not sure if question makes sense all. please let me know if additional information needed. come totally different background , first time i'm trying develop mobile app. please feel free correct me if understanding wrong.


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