reactjs - setting State without using setState in React.js -

i found tutorial online regarding on react.js saw way tutor did change state without setstate() function. here asking whether practice.

the constructor:

constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {       uid: uuid.v1(),       name: '',       answers: {           answer1: '',           answer2: '',           answer3: ''       },       issubmitted: false     };     this.onsubmit = this.onsubmit.bind(this);     this.answerselected = this.answerselected.bind(this);     this.questionsubmitted = this.questionsubmitted.bind(this); } 

the way update state is:-

answerselected(event) {     let answers = this.state.answers;     if ( === 'answer1') {         answers.answer1 =;     } else if ( === 'answer2') {         answers.answer2 =;     } else if ( === 'answer3') {         answers.answer3 =;     } } 

from know, react should set state using setstate({answers: {answer1:}}). right? better approach?

setting/changing state inside react component should using setstate, react recommends. place state can directly modified constructor. read more here.

also worth reading this


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