excel - Code Skipping Second Cell, Not Supposed To -

this code part of bigger code takes words listbox , places listbox, code separates words in listbox , establishes words able inserted cell, reason second strsplt not showing, else working well, it's one, need , there no error thrown out. i've looked on f8 , breakpoints , problem seems

if ii < .columncount - 1     str = str & .list(i, ii) & vbcrlf else     str = str & .list(i, ii) end if 

the whole code:

with me.selecteditems     thisworkbook.sheets(9).range("a:b").clearcontents     = 0 .listcount - 1         if .selected(i)             found = true             ii = 0 .columncount - 1             redim strsplt(0 i)                 if str = ""                     str = .list(i, ii) & vbcrlf                 else                     if ii < .columncount - 1                         str = str & .list(i, ii) & vbcrlf                     else                         str = str & .list(i, ii)                     end if                 end if             next ii             message = "how much" & vbcrlf & str & "?" & vbcrlf             title = "amount"             defaultval = "1"             quantity = inputbox(message, title, defaultval)             strsplt = split(str, "*")         end if         'on error resume next         thisworkbook.sheets(9)             .range("a" & (i + 1)).value = strsplt(i)             .range("b" & (i + 1)).value = quantity         end         'on error goto 0     next end   

edit: way looks using debug.print str

  1. item1
  2. item2 item3 item4 ...

try bit brute forcing this:

if ii < .columncount - 1     str = str & .list(i+1, ii) & vbcrlf else     str = str & .list(i+1, ii) end if 

i have changed i i+1 in code. debug again. if not work, try i-1, ii+1, ii-1. 1 of these work , may give out of range error. fix array length , have fun.


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