Iterating through array in Rails as separate jQuery objects -

i iterating through array in rails show set of articles. i'd button slide toggle article open when clicked (so each headline , button, , text revealed on button click).

the array looks like:

  <% @articles.each |article| %>   <div class="article_header">     <h1><%= article.title %></h1>     <button id="clickme" type="button">show more!</button>  <div class="article_content">               <p><%= markdown article.content %></p>    </div>       <% end %> </div> 

i trying toggle article_content following:

<script> $( ".article_content" ).hide() $( "#clickme" ).click(function() {   $( ".article_content" ).slidetoggle( "300", function() {   }); }); </script> 

after reading other questions, believe issue article_content class, why button opens , collapses of content text.

if iterating through array, can assign different ids target object clicking button article 1 opens , closes article 1 only?

unless have specific reason assign id button, set class on button , can use .next() achieve want.


$(".clickme").click(function() {   $(this).next(".article_content").slidetoggle("300", function() {}); }); 

html: change id="clickme" class="clickme"

this allow toggle multiple elements way want.

demo below

$(".article_content").hide()  $(".clickme").click(function() {    $(this).next(".article_content").slidetoggle("300", function() {});  });
<script src=""></script>  <div class="article_header">    <h1>      article 1    </h1>    <button class="clickme" type="button">show more!</button>    <div class="article_content">      <p>        content 1      </p>    </div>  </div>    <div class="article_header">    <h1>      article 2    </h1>    <button class="clickme" type="button">show more!</button>    <div class="article_content">      <p>        content 2      </p>    </div>  </div>


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