Fill number for duplicate data in datagridview C# -

i want fill number duplicate data in datagridview. if duplicate fill 1.1 1.(count duplicate) else don't duplicate fill 1.1. use code below it's work faile.

int count = 0;  (int = 0; <= datagridview3.rowcount - 2; i++) {         string abc = datagridview3.rows[i].cells[2].value.tostring() + "" + datagridview3.rows[i].cells[3].value.tostring();          (int j = 1; j <= datagridview3.rowcount - 2;j++ )         {             string def = datagridview3.rows[j].cells[2].value.tostring() + "" + datagridview3.rows[j].cells[3].value.tostring();             datagridview3.rows[0].cells[1].value = "1.1";             if (abc == def)             {                 count = count + 1;                 datagridview3.rows[j].cells["wbs"].value = "1." + "" + (count);              }         } } 

i hope check me.

it should this.

there couple of things wrong code. not re-setting count within loop, , (if understand correctly), need check previous values in datagridview (ie j < i).

so code should this:

int count; datagridview3.rows[0].cells[1].value = "1.1"; (int = 1; <= datagridview3.rowcount - 1; i++) {     count = 1;     string abc = datagridview3.rows[i].cells[2].value.tostring() + "" + datagridview3.rows[i].cells[3].value.tostring();      (int j = 0; j < i; j++)     {         string def = datagridview3.rows[j].cells[2].value.tostring() + "" +  datagridview3.rows[j].cells[3].value.tostring();         if (abc == def)         {             count++;         }     }     datagridview3.rows[i].cells["wbs"].value = "1." + count.tostring(); } 

this work regardless of data order. if data ordered on csis , bss, can use:

int count = 1;  datagridview3.rows[0].cells[1].value = "1.1";  (int = 1; <= datagridview3.rowcount - 1; i++) {     if (datagridview3.rows[i].cells[2].value == datagridview3.rows[i - 1].cells[2].value  && datagridview3.rows[i].cells[3].value == datagridview3.rows[i - 1].cells[3].value)     {         count++;     }     else     {         count = 1;     }     datagridview3.rows[i].cells["wbs"].value = "1." + count.tostring(); } 

in case, because comparing 1 line predecessor more efficient not store variables in new variable, compare them directly. storing separate variable has speed gain, when saving compiled code trouble of de-referencing same value multiple times.


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