powermockito - Wanted but not invoked: There were zero interactions with this mock -

i stuck issue whole day. tried many resources , debug features no luck.

can guys please me.

public class data{      datadriver datadriver; // datadriver different class have injected.     connector connector; // connector different class injecting in data class.      // constructor , setter methods      public void read(){             closeablehttpclient client = httpclients.createdefault();             hashmap<string, string> credentials = datadriver.run(new date());             httpget = connector.execute(client,credentials);     } } 

for test class, using powermockito, httclients.createdefault() static method.

@contextconfiguration(locations = { "classpath:/xxx.xml" }) @runwith(powermockrunner.class) public class datatest {      data mockeddata;      @mock     connector mockedconnector;      @mock     datadriver mockeddatadriver;      @mock     closeablehttpclient mockedclient;      @before     public void setup() {         mockitoannotations.initmocks(data.class);         mockeddata =new data();         powermockito.mockstatic(httpclients.class);         mockeddata.setconnector(mockedconnector);         mockeddata.setdatadriver(mockeddatadriver);     }      @test     @preparefortest({ httpclients.class })     public void testread(){         hashmap<string, string> credentials = new hashmap<string, string>();             powermockito.when(httpclients.createdefault()).thenreturn(mockedclient);         powermockito.when(mockeddatadriver.run(newdate())).thenreturn(credentials);         powermockito.when(mockedconnector.execute(mockedclient,credentials)).thenreturn(new httpget());         verify(mockedconnector, atleastonce()).execute(mockedclient, credentials);     } } 

it says 0 interactions connector mock. not complaining on datadriver mock. tried debugging , able see both mock objects in data class. not going execute funtion of connector.

any advise on doing wrong?

thank you


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