Live Audio Streaming From One Android device to other on WIFI: Socket.receive() get Stuck -

i trying develop 1 app, live streams/broadcasts mic audio 1 android device another, here 1 device hotspot(the device streaming audio) , other devices connected hotspot listeners. took link streaming voice between android phones on wifi

when run app on listener device, application stuck on receive socket.receive(packet);

code sending audio (sender device)

   public void startstreaming(){      wifimanager wm = (wifimanager) getsystemservice(wifi_service);     final string ipaddress = formatter.formatipaddress(             wm.getconnectioninfo().getipaddress());      thread streamthread = new thread(new runnable() {          @override         public void run() {              try {                  int minbufsize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(samplerate, channelconfig, audioformat);                 datagramsocket socket = new datagramsocket();                 log.d(msg, "socket created");                 byte[] buffer = new byte[minbufsize];                 log.d(msg,"buffer created of size " + minbufsize);                 datagrampacket packet;                 final inetaddress destination = inetaddress.getbyname(ipaddress);                  recorder = new audiorecord(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic,samplerate,channelconfig,audioformat,minbufsize);                  recorder.startrecording();                 while(status == true) {                     log.d(msg, "------recording--------");                      //putting buffer in packet                     packet = new datagrampacket (buffer,buffer.length,destination,port);                     socket.send(packet);                 }              }catch(unknownhostexception e) {                 log.e(msg, "unknownhostexception");             } catch (ioexception e) {                 log.e(msg, "ioexception");             }         }      });     streamthread.start(); } 

code receiving audio (listner device)

 public void startreceiving(){      wifimanager wm = (wifimanager) getsystemservice(wifi_service);     final string ipaddress = formatter.formatipaddress(             wm.getconnectioninfo().getipaddress());      thread receivethread = new thread (new runnable(){         public void run() {              try{                  if (checkpermission()){                      final inetaddress destination = inetaddress.getbyname(ipaddress);                     datagramsocket socket = new datagramsocket(50005,destination);                     byte[] buffer = new byte[256];                     int minbufsize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(samplerate, channelconfig, audioformat);                      speaker = new audiotrack(audiomanager.stream_music,samplerate,channelconfig,audioformat,minbufsize,audiotrack.mode_stream);            ;                     while(statusr == true) {                         try {                              datagrampacket packet = new datagrampacket(buffer,buffer.length);                              try                             {                              //after code execution stuck                                  socket.receive(packet);                                 log.d(msg, "$$$$$$$----------received-----------$$$$$$$$");                             }                             catch ( ex)                             {                                 // timeout                                 log.d(msg, "exception time out");                                 ex.printstacktrace();                             }                           //  socket.receive(packet);                              buffer=packet.getdata();                             //sending data audiotrack obj i.e. speaker                             speaker.write(buffer, 0, minbufsize);                             log.d(msg, "writing buffer content speaker");                          } catch(ioexception e) {                             log.e(msg,"ioexception");                             log.d(msg, "in exception");                             e.printstacktrace();                         }                         catch (exception e){                             log.d(msg, "e   ====in exception");                             e.printstacktrace();                         }                      }                  }else {                     log.d(msg, "------in request permission--------");                     requestpermission();                  }              } catch (socketexception e) {                 log.e("vr", "socketexception");                 e.printstacktrace();              }catch(unknownhostexception e) {                 log.e(msg, "unknownhostexception");             }         }     });     receivethread.start(); } 

what can understand client never found on particular socket here in case 50005,

how can resolve it? there other solution implement application scenario.

thanks in advance.


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