c# - MissingFieldException: Templated field missing in constructor -

i'm trying create 2d array class allows large data sets breaking data , storing non-contiguously. however, missingfieldexception inside constructor fundamentally don't understand. i'm using c# unity.

this offending call:

 chunkarray<int> lastdata = new chunkarray<int>(texturewidth, textureheight); 

the exception "missingfieldexception: field '.chunkarray`1.data' not found." class follows:

using system.collections; using system.collections.generic;  public class chunkarray<t>  {     private const int defaultsidedivision = 16;      t[,][,] data;      int xchunks;     int ychunks;      int subwidth;     int subheight;      public int w;     public int h;      public chunkarray(int width, int height, int sidedivision = defaultsidedivision)      {         w = width;         h = height;         subwidth = width / sidedivision;         subheight = height / sidedivision;          int widthremainder = width % sidedivision;         int heightremainder = height % sidedivision;          xchunks = (widthremainder == 0) ? sidedivision : sidedivision + 1;         ychunks = (heightremainder == 0) ? sidedivision : sidedivision + 1;          data = new t[xchunks, ychunks][,];          (int = 0; < xchunks; i++)          {             (int j = 0; j < ychunks; j++)              {                 int x = (i < sidedivision) ? subwidth : widthremainder;                 int y = (j < sidedivision) ? subheight : heightremainder;                 data[i, j] = new t[x,y];             }         }                }      public t get(int x, int y)     {         return data[x / subwidth, y / subheight][x % subwidth, y % subheight];     }      public void set(int x,int y, t value) {         data[x / subwidth, y / subheight][x % subwidth, y % subheight] = value;      } } 

any appreciated stumped. hope formatted correctly.

this looks bug in mono: fails instantiate generic multi-dimensional array of multi-dimensional arrays. however, when tried replace t[,][,] t[][] worked, suggest emulating two-dimensional arrays single-dimensional ones:

public class chunkarray<t> {     private const int defaultsidedivision = 16;      t[][] internaldata;      int xchunks;     int ychunks;      int subwidth;     int subheight;      public int w;     public int h;      public chunkarray(int width, int height)     {         int sidedivision = defaultsidedivision;         w = width;         h = height;         subwidth = width / sidedivision;         subheight = height / sidedivision;          int widthremainder = width % sidedivision;         int heightremainder = height % sidedivision;          xchunks = (widthremainder == 0) ? sidedivision : sidedivision + 1;         ychunks = (heightremainder == 0) ? sidedivision : sidedivision + 1;          internaldata = new t[xchunks * ychunks][];          (int = 0; < xchunks; i++)         {             (int j = 0; j < ychunks; j++)             {                 internaldata[getfirstindex(i,j)] = new t[subwidth * subheight];             }         }     }      private int getfirstindex(int i, int j)     {         return + j * xchunks;     }      private int getsecondindex(int i, int j)     {         return + j * subwidth;     }      public t get(int x, int y)     {         return internaldata[getfirstindex(x / subwidth, y / subheight)][getsecondindex(x % subwidth, y % subheight)];     }      public void set(int x, int y, t value)     {         internaldata[getfirstindex(x / subwidth, y / subheight)][getsecondindex(x % subwidth, y % subheight)] = value;     } } 

for sake of simplicity, i've set data chunks same size, last chunks have unused space.


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