javascript - Add element for object -

i need go through list of objects find element , add new element root, can scroll through list , find element, can not add correct level

var data = [      {         "id": 1     },     {         "id": 2     },     {         "id": 3     },     {         "id": 4,         "children": [             {                 "id": 6             },             {                 "id": 7                                 }         ]     },     {         "id": 5     }  ];  function findbyid(data, id, element) {     function iter(a) {         if ( === id) {             a.push(element); // error             result = a;             return true;         }         return array.isarray(a.children) && a.children.some(iter);     }     var result;     data.some(iter);     return result }   var element = {     "children": [{"id": 6}] };  findbyid(data, 5, element);  document.write('<pre>' + json.stringify(data, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

use object.assign merge properties element object current object of iteration.

var data = [        {          "id": 1      },      {          "id": 2      },      {          "id": 3      },      {          "id": 4,          "children": [              {                  "id": 6              },              {                  "id": 7                                  }          ]      },      {          "id": 5      }    ];    function findbyid(data, id, element) {      function iter(a) {          if ( === id) {              object.assign(a, element);              result = a;              return true;          }          return array.isarray(a.children) && a.children.some(iter);      }      var result;      data.some(iter);      return result  }      var element = {      "children": [{"id": 6}]  };    findbyid(data, 5, element);    console.log(data);


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