html - Vertical scrollbar pushing content over, creating horizontal scrollbar -

so here's page i'm working right now:

i'm working on positioning right image looks it's coming out of right side of screen. far looks good.

but notice when plug mouse in, safari and/or mac detects have mouse , displays vertical scrollbar. that's normal, except fact little bit of image (the width of scrollbar) displaying off edge of screen, creates horizontal scroll bar.

the html/css relating image , container follows:

<div class="col-md-6 image-col">      <div class="image-container">           <img class="contact-graphic" src="/assets/contact-us-graphic.png" />      </div>  </div>  .image-container {     height:70vh; } {     height:100%;     border-radius:5px; } .image-col {     padding-right:0 !important;     padding-left:0;     margin-right:0 !important;     overflow-x:hidden !important;     width:50vw !important;     margin-right:-50vw!important;     display:inline-block; } 

on sidenote, feeling css may not best. if have suggestions, i'd love help.

thank you!

remove width: 50vw!important; .image-col! it's part of bootstrap grid.


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