java - Setting system property from code. -

my question how dangerous use of system.setproperty(“https.protocols”, “tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2”); code. , how avoid ? there better way ? , if related -dhttps.protocols=tlsv1,tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2 can please explain because tried every blog or discussion , still don't type command. should in cmd ? ? should add in java bin conf file ? best practice of kind of things. related java 1.7 , protocol tlsv1.2 thank you.

the -d flag sets system property. both -d flag , system.setproperty equivalent.

where , when set depends on application. if want set application parameter, may applications equivalent of java myapp. if want set programmatically, somewhere in code you'd write system.setproperty("", "value");. @ point, it's matter of taste.


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