vba - Linked table OLE Object shows as null in a recordset while it is displayed on query view as OLE Object -

i have following oracle table connected access via odbc

id (int) file_type (varchar(20)) blob_data (blob) 

the blob_data field holds excel files , want download them.

in access query view, field shown ole object

i have written following code till -

dim db database dim rst recordset  set db = currentdb  set rst = db.openrecordset("select blob_data my_table;") dim fld variant  fld = rst.fields(0).value 

when inspect fld field, shows null though access query view shows ole object. have odbc , linked tables? or missing something?

you can't set variants equal value of ole or blob fields, since can contain large objects. need use .getchunck on field return chuncks of data of file, don't have load entire blob variable.

working .getchunck enables have small part of file in memory when writing entire file disk.

the code required not small, following microsoft article describes well: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/210486/acc2000-reading--storing--and-writing-binary-large-objects-blobs (yes, access 2000, couldn't find more up-to-date source microsoft).

if have remaining questions, feel free ask them in comments.


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