javascript - Why does a click event not reach the <body>? -

this slider runnning in animation loop unless 1 of dots @ top clicked. then, animated elements (the <span> dots , <figure>s) style stop animation.

<section id="slider">     <span class="control" tabindex="1"></span>     <span class="control" tabindex="2"></span>     <span class="control" tabindex="3"></span>     <figure class="slide">         <!--image 1--->     </figure>     <figure class="slide">         <!--image 2--->     </figure>     <figure class="slide">         <!--image 3--->   </section> 


window.onload = function () {     var slider = document.queryselector('#slider');     var animated = slider.queryselectorall('.control, .slide');      function switchall (focus) {         animated.foreach(function (el) {   ['animation-name'] = focus ? 'none' : null;         });     }      document.queryselector('body').addeventlistener('click', function (e) {         switchall(slider.queryselector('.control:focus'));     }); }; 

after animation stopped, should restart if other dots clicked (so loose focus). on firefox works if click outside of #slider.

clicking inside shown <figure> lets disappear - expected css behavior, since no dot has focus. animation not restart; first click event not reach <body>. second click triggers event listener.

i've tried attach event #slider, result same. seems if event not bubble past <figure> elements, attaching on works, inferior solution.

anyway i'd understand happens event.

it seems fell trap: blur event stops click event working?

the moment control looses focus, slide moved outside visible area, , click isn't hitting it. not hit background either; seems click actively canceled.

the solution couple runing of animation not click event, focus/blur events.


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