Create new QuarterEnd column in Python Pandas -

i'm trying create new column calendar year's quarter end date (e.g. if today 4 august, quarter's end date 30 september).

my dataframe has set of dates in column called df['dates']. sample below:

03/08/2017 26/02/2015 31/12/2012 16/04/2014 13/04/2016 

this code using, not working:

df['q_date'] = pd.datetime(pd.tseries.offsets.quarterend(startingmonth=(pd.to_datetime(df['date']).dt.month))) 

i have tried looping through have been unsuccessful.

any ideas appreciated. thanks.

convert each date period objects, , take end times (which timestamps).

df = df.assign(q_date=[pd.period(d, freq='q').end_time d in df['dates']]) >>> df         dates     q_date 0  03/08/2017 2017-03-31 1  26/02/2015 2015-03-31 2  31/12/2012 2012-12-31 3  16/04/2014 2014-06-30 4  13/04/2016 2016-06-30 


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