jquery - send lon lat data from javascript to server -

i new front end developing. on client side trying type in adress, , extract corresponding long lat coordinates, in order send them flask. how can send long lat data javascript flask? here code

$("#yes").click(function(event) {    var text = $('#bt1').val();     $.get(url + 'text=' + text, function(data) {     var result1= json.parse(data);       $.ajax({       url: url2,       type: "post",       data: json.stringify(data),    <-- here want put long lat data        datatype: 'json',             success: function(response){         console.log("ok");       },       error: function(xhr) {         console.log("error");       }     });   }); }); 

on server side set up:

@app.route('/something', methods=['post']) def something():    conn = g.db.cursor()    return null      

but error message of type 404.

solved it! have same problem here code:

$.ajax({   url: my_url,   type: "post",   data: {"x": lat, "y": long},             success: function(response){     console.log("something");   },   error: function(xhr) {     console.log("error");   } }); 


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