excel - Copy data from one sheet to another with the cell value -

i have sheet "data". sheet, looking column k. if red in colour extract complete row , copy them sheet " delay".

i following below code. code not have error but, copies 4 rows of red while have 12 rows.

could me find wrong , changes need?

sub delay() dim cell range dim nextrow long dim double  application.screenupdating = false = application.worksheetfunction.counta(sheets("data").range("k:k")) each cell in sheets("data").range("k5:k" & a) if cell.displayformat.interior.color = vbred nextrow = application.worksheetfunction.counta(sheets("delayed").range("k:k")) rows(cell.row).copy destination:=sheets("delayed").range("a" & nextrow + 1) end if  next application.screenupdating = false end sub 

first of all:
worksheetfunction.counta counts number of cells not empty , values within list of arguments, can't use count total number of rows or find number of last row (unless cells not empty).
might need is:

nmbrows = workbook("workbookname").worksheet("sheetname").range("k" & rows.count).end(xlup).row 

or less blunt.
using counta can result in constriction of range of search lead in data loss or, in case, inserting row in incorrect place.
result of

option explicit sub test()     dim long     = application.worksheetfunction.counta(thisworkbook.sheets("Ëèñò1").range("a:a"))     thisworkbook.sheets("Ëèñò1").range("b1").value = end sub 

enter image description here
cautious, add reference each range, sheet as

thisworkbook.sheets("data").range("k5:k" & nmbrows) 

by doing can you're refering correct range want check.

another note:
i'm not vba expert if count number of rows each sheet respectively @ start of macro, in loop use nextrow=nextrow + 1 construction instead of calling function each time.


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