javascript - Is it possible to pass values from java script to an excel file to run a function in excel and retrieve data -

i'm using excel file has functions regarding calculation.a custom made function calculate amount inputting values 4 cell inputs.i don't know how implement formula javascript, formula there way can pass values web page excel file , calculation excel file self , retrieve values , show them on web page. best solution or approach given problem?


i fear, easiest way implement formula in javascript. far know, javascript can everything, excel can do. depending on website's architecture wouldn't able execute on server , if do, excel-file doesn't calculations, excel does. file wouldn't without actual excel-installation. on top of that, javascript has limited access users harddrive, wouldn't able download excel-file , execute it. depend on user have excel installed. depending on server use, use php, java or c# calculation, think javascript should suffice cases.


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