c++11 - Iteration over a big std::vector -

i have c++ vector of tuples. tuples consist of 3 doubles , 1 integer. vector may contain hundreds of thousands of elements. using c++11 for(auto element : vector){} loop, manage iterate on no more 100k elements. there other solution iterating on whole "big" vector (currently 275k elements)? code:

    for(auto record : rd)     { //      find indices:         indxsc  = std::get<2>(record) - 1;         indxsp  = static_cast<int>( std::get<0>(record)/0.3 );         if(indxsp > 47 )indxsp = 46;         indxdir = findsector72( std::get<1>(record) );  //      increment counts in bins         ++cntsit[indxsc][indxsp][indxdir];         ++cntspeed[indxsp];  //      add reciprocal of wind speed sum <1/u>         valspeed[indxsp] = valspeed[indxsp] + 1./( std::get<0>(record) );     } 


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