python - opens then immediately closes Google Cloud App Engine -

i'm following guide set , test google cloud sdk app engine: installing app engine gcloud

i follow guide until "your first app engine webapp" section. @ end says run " ." run prompts me select program open file. pick python.exe in python27 folder. cmd prompt python pops ups displays ton of text disappears unfortunately box closes instant text appears cannot read it. if go next step , open "http://localhost:8080/" not load. assume because python prompt closing itself.

i running python 2.7, followed instructions precisely, tried reinstalling everything, shutting down computer, , going through step step again , same problem.

what causing auto closing problem?

edit: works if run, in gcloud sdk shell: "python "c:\users\ pathfile" instead of going directly directory running .py file , choosing python. way it, not user friendly type out 8 folder directories.


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