javascript - Rotate svg pattern around it's center when using objectBoundingBox -

i need rotate pattern used background svg element (part of wheelnav.js menu) around it's center. know can use patterntransform = rotate(angle, centerx, centery), pattern uses objectboundingbox patternunits , don't know how width , height of element.

is there way dimensions? or rotate around center without knowing width , height?


here code use:

var bounrect = document.getelementbyid("wheelnav-piemenu" + 3 + "-slice-" + 0).getboundingclientrect() var patt = document.createelementns('', 'pattern'); patt.setattribute('id', 'img' + itemid); patt.setattribute('patternunits', 'objectboundingbox'); patt.setattribute('width', '1'); patt.setattribute('height', '1'); patt.setattribute('x', '0'); patt.setattribute('y', '0'); patt.setattribute('patterntransform',"rotate(" + itemid*-36 + ", 0.5, 0.5)")  var image = document.createelementns('', 'image'); image.setattributens('', 'xlink:href', 'assets/images/logo-cropper.png'); image.setattribute('width', bounrect.width*1.12); image.setattribute('height', bounrect.height*1.12); image.setattribute('x', -bounrect.height*0.06); image.setattribute('y', -bounrect.height*0.04);  var defs = document.getelementsbytagname('defs')[0]; patt.appendchild(image); defs.appendchild(patt); 

however doesn't rotate around center.


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