airflow UI with celery interaction not as expected -

there's 3 unexpected behavior when interact airflow ui, have similar experience , have insight upon them?

1. why marking running task success restart task?

try mark running task success , worked termninate task icon turn deep green, later task icon turn yellow , wait restart again. meaning of success means no need restart again.

airflow webserver ui job status

2. trigger job in web ui not work celery?

i try trigger job in web ui, reponse message shows work , start @ moment, in fact not. check celery worker , no message received.

`sent taskinstance: mars_quality_daily_v2.quality_comment 2017-08-07 04:00:00 [up_for_retry] message queue, should start moment now.

the possible way clear task status, after clear, task restart, it's out of control now.

3. trigger job celery need clear task status first?

in new airflow instance, if task failed , waiting retry, not directly force startup of task clicking web ui via celery. if select ignore status , dependency, task failed in worker, saying lack of 1 parameter (but command generate webui itself).

the possible way rerun task if clear status of job, click run. what's point of running ignore status , dependencies in run command?

airflow version:

python version: 2.7.13

maybe question specific website find no other place solve puzzles. airflow project has chatting room instead of github issues, chatting room full of people asking without answer.


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