javascript - Close MSSQL connection using mssql in node.js -

i trying write script in node.js query mssql database. new javascript, new node.js, new vscode, know few things sql. have working code, connection never seems close, , cannot values out of function.

so, have chunk of code, got example npm:

const sql = require('mssql'); var dbconfig = {     server:'theserver',     database:'thedb',     user:'un',     password:'pw',     port:1433 };  sql.connect(dbconfig).then(pool => {     // query          return pool.request()     .query('select top 10 * the_table') }).then(result => {     console.log(result); }).catch(err => {     // ... error checks }) 

this works, , can see 10 results logged in console. however, code never stops running. how connection close , stop?

i want results saved variable, changed code this:

const sql = require('mssql'); var dbconfig = {     server:'theserver',     database:'thedb',     user:'un',     password:'pw',     port:1433 };  let thelist; sql.connect(dbconfig).then(pool => {     // query          return pool.request()     .query('select top 10 * the_table') }).then(result => {     thelist= result; }).catch(err => {     // ... error checks })  console.log(thelist); 

this returns 'undefined' console thelist, , again connection never seems cose, , script never shuts down.

how grab results of query , move on down road??

you should call


in end. source node docs


sql.connect(dbconfig).then(pool => {     // query          return pool.request()     .query('select top 10 * the_table') }).then(result => {     thelist= result; }).catch(err => {     // ... error checks }) 

is async function


would not wait update value.

i think want do

sql.connect(dbconfig).then(pool => {     // query          return pool.request()     .query('select top 10 * the_table') }).then(result => {     thelist= result; }).catch(err => {     // ... error checks }).then(function(){   console.log(thelist);   process.exit(1); }) 


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