Inserting into Oracle-SQL with Squeryl with millisecond precision doesn't seem to be working. Why? -

i'm having trouble getting squeryl , oracle-sql save timestamp(6) data millisecond precision. every attempt i've made shows me results second precision, not millisecond:

case class bookingevent(created: timestamp, ...)  loggingdatabase.bookingevents.insert(bookingevent(new timestamp(system.currenttimemillis()), ...) 

but querying gives me stuff as: 14.08.17 16:40:50.000000000, being true when query stuff directly in sql developer. i've tried manually adding in sql developer timestamps higher precision , seems work wonderfully, either has java's timestamps or jdbc or squeryl?

edit: problem in writting side, if put hand in db , attempt read through squeryl seems ok.

am missing obvious?



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