python 3.x - How to enable FTS5 search a string with ".", "_" and "0-9"? -

i have table holding 300k records of strings using alphanumeric, digit, dot, underscore , brackets [].

i use fts5 extension sqlite3 enable fast search on table. how create fts virtual table:

database = sqlite3.connect("mydb.db") db_cursor = database.cursor() db_cursor.execute("create virtual table field_names using fts5 (full_path)") 

i adding ~300k records using below code in loop:

database.execute("insert field_names(full_path) values (?)", (field_path,)) 

sample records:

a.extbootrecord.field_db0     a.extbootrecord.field_db1     a.extbootrecord.field_db8     a.extbootrecord.field_db9     a.extbootrecord.field_db10    a.extbootrecord.field_db11    a.extbootrecord.field_db12    a.extbootrecord.field_db15    

using following query:

db_cursor.execute("select full_path field_names field_names = '\"%s\"'" % search_phrase) return_list = list()  entries = db_cursor.fetchmany(100) while entries:     return_list.extend([entry[0] entry in entries])     entries = db_cursor.fetchmany(100) 

with following search_phrase yields following:

  1. ext : nothing
  2. extbootrecord : records
  3. extbootrecrd. : records
  4. extbootrecord.fie : nothing
  5. extbootrecord.field : records
  6. extbootrecord.field_db1 : a.extbootrecord.field_db1 record, expect field_db1, field_db10, field_db11... returned

seems missing fts configuration consume ., _ , 0-9 valid characters part of token.

i tried configurating fts tokenizer using tokenize = \"unicode61 tokenchars '_.'\" in creation statement, no luck.

what missing?


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