RegEx javascript - Need assistance limiting search -

this question has answer here:

i wish search/replace support escalations matrix below email signatures, regex selecting far much.

the example text has 3 "support escalations" blurbs. wish remove/colorize/whatever three. regex selecting text in between, starting point in first 1 ending point in last one. (problem easiest see in regex101 demo, below.)

rexex 101 demo

var regex = new regexp('support escalations*[\s\s]*level iv.*', 'gi');  var txt = $('#blurb').html();  txt = txt.replace(regex, '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<br>');  $('#blurb').html(txt);  //alert(txt);
<script src=""></script>  <div id="blurb">  support escalations<br>  level i: noc technician - | o: 989.571.1000<br>  level ii: manager, network &amp; eng operations, william tell - | o: 212.777.9999 x123 | m: 989.265.9876<br>  level iii: vice president, operations, blaise pascal - | o: 212.777.9999 x234 | m: 343.301.2822 <br>  level iv: chief operating officer: bf skinner - | o: 212.777.9999 x345 | m: 343.337.7775<br>  <br>                              <br>  <br>  from: example tech support <br>  sent: monday, august 7, 2017 3:27 pm<br>  to: example tech support <>; '' <><br>  subject: re: 81434 | win - reparian riverfront - eoc 10mb - partial impact<br>  <br>  sample support,<br>  <br>  please advised loops have been repaired customer , @ full bandiwdth.<br>  stable, close ticket out.<br>  <br>  please let know if have questions.<br>  <br>  thank you,<br>  <br>  john doe<br>  example, inc. <br>  <br>  office:  212.777.9999 x295<br>| <br>  <br>  support escalations<br>  level i: noc technician - | o: 989.571.1000<br>  level ii: manager, network &amp; eng operations, william tell - | o: 212.777.9999 x123 | m: 989.265.9876<br>  level iii: vice president, operations, blaise pascal - | o: 212.777.9999 x234 | m: 343.301.2822 <br>  level iv: chief operating officer: bf skinner - | o: 212.777.9999 x345 | m: 343.337.7775<br>  <br>                              <br>  <br>  from: example tech support <br>  sent: thursday, august 3, 2017 9:24 am<br>  to: example tech support <>; '' <><br>  subject: re: 81434 | win - reparian riverfront - eoc 10mb - partial impact<br>  <br>  correction. commit on new ticket (loop 4) 08/16. apologies error.<br>  <br>  -------------------------------------<br>  judy garland<br>  noc technician<br>  <br>  from: example tech support <br>  sent: thursday, august 03, 2017 9:22 am<br>  to: ''<br>  cc: example tech support<br>  subject: 81434 | win - reparian riverfront - eoc 10mb - partial impact<br>  <br>  hello,<br>  <br>  update regarding results of ilec dispatch prem date. ilec technician repaired loop down (loop 3), loop (loop 4) developed problem while there , bouncing. loop 4 has been removed efm-group prevent affecting circuit , ticket opened ilec repair (commit 08/14).<br>  <br>  @ time, 10mb circuit @ 9.8mbps on 3 loops.<br>  <br>  <br>  if have further questions, comments or concerns regarding message, please contact example noc support documented below.<br>  <br>  thank you,<br>  <br>  -------------------------------------<br>  judy garland<br>  noc technician<br>  <br><br>  <br>  =======================================================================<br>  support escalations<br>  level i: noc technician - | o: 989.571.1000<br>  level ii: manager, network operations, william tell - | o: 212.777.9999 x123 | m: 989.265.9876<br>  level iii: vice president, operations, blaise pascal - | o: 212.777.9999 x234 | m: 343.301.2822 <br>  level iv: chief operating officer: bf skinner - | o: 212.777.9999 x345 | m: 343.337.7775<br>  </div>

you need use lazy quantifier in regex:

/support escalations*[\s\s]*?level iv.*/gi //                        --^-- 

a lazy quantifier matches between 0 , unlimited times, few times possible, expanding needed. see regex101.


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